Patrick Spike
NOTE: Online Portfolio available at –
1407 NW 80th St. Vancouver WA 98665. 503.248.1067. [email protected]
Company Member - Bag&Baggage Productions - Hillsboro OR
MFA Theatre Arts. Emphasis in Stage Direction. Humboldt State University, 1999. Suma Cum Laude
BA Theatre Arts. Emphasis in Stage Direction. Western Washington University, 1995. Magna Cum Laude
Other studies:
Monterey Peninsula College. Studies in Performance and Theatre Management.
University of Puget Sound. General studies in Theatre and Liberal Arts.
Pierce College at Fort Steilacoom. General studies.
Teaching Experience
College of the Redwoods, Eureka CA Drama 26 - Theatre Production and Course in general studies: College Success (Internship)
Humboldt State University Supervised teaching - Acting Styles: Audition Techniques & Acting Styles: Musical Theatre
Western Washington University Supervised teaching - Directing I, Acting II: Physical Interpretation of a role, Musical Theatre I
Northwest School of Theatre Arts, Bellingham WA - Adult Acting Classes
Carmel Ballet Academy, Carmel CA - Adult Acting Classes
Frequent private performance coach for actors/singers
College of the Redwoods (Eureka, CA) Instructor/Teaching Assistant - "College Success" Class
Related Employment
Neon One (formerly Arts People)
4541 NE 14th PL Portland, Oregon 97211 2006 - 2020 (laid off due to covid affect on business)
Technical Support Specialist - Rejoined the support staff to work directly with clients toward their success using the system.
Marketing Director - As of 3/17, I shifted roles in the company to now apply my marketing and communications skills toward development of a new marketing department and related processes. I oversaw and developed our online presence, social media and other marketing efforts, working closely with our sales team.
Product Manager & System Expert, bridging between our clients, clients services and sales teams and our technical development team, I track, research, prioritize and guide development on all front facing aspects of the system. I coordinate directly with the General Manager and owners on prioritization of projects and function as produce owner in a development sense.
Director of Client Services, heading the department responsible for setup, training and ongoing support of our clients who consist primarily of performing arts organizations. Additionally functioned as the expert for the company on patron management and ticketing systems, advising the developers for new functionality, consulted with client organizations on best practices for performing arts administration and taught classes on a variety of subjects including marketing, development/ fundraising, management and administration and more.
Portland Center Stage
1111 SW Broadway Portland OR 97205 1999 - 2006
Was hired August of 1999 as Artistic/Production Assistant & Company Manager -responsible for Artist travel and lodging arrangements, Artistic Office coordination, budget tracking, the creation and maintenance of a comprehensive actor database, etc. As of January 2000 - promoted to Information Services Associate in charge of the company computer network (windows NT Back office), our Unix based ticketing and donor tracking system and the data therein, as well as all user desktop computer and software needs and issues. This position coordinates directly with the development and communications/PR teams to target specific groups for promotion, donation requests and tracking, season subscription renewals, promotions, acquisitions, etc.
As of July 2000 the position has been elevated to the level of management as Information Services Manager. Currently Director of Information Technology and Resources and part of the PCS Executive Leadership Team.
Redwood Arts Project
Humboldt State University - House 99 1997 - 1999
Office Manager helping to coordinate summer institutes and other events which train educators in northern California to use different art disciplines across the curriculum and to create a more wholistic approach to education in light of devastating cutbacks in art programs. Desktop publishing, Grant administration, Bookkeeping, Contracts, Web development and design.
Other office and customer service management experience with Mailmedia, Inc.
Directing Experience
Six Dance Lessons in Six Weeks - Magenta Theater - Vancouver, WA - Fall 2023
Chicago - Ferndale Repertory Theatre - Ferndale, CA - Spring 2018
Batboy The Musical - Ferndale Repertory Theatre - Ferndale, CA - Spring 2015
Six Dance Lessons in Six Weeks – Ferndale Repertory Theatre - Ferndale, CA - Spring 2014
Love Letters – Bag&Baggage Productions, Hillsboro, OR
Love Letters – Monica Abrahamsen Producer, Kona, HI
Les Liaisons Dangerouses / Dangerous Liaisons – Bag&Baggage Productions, Hillsboro, OR
The Mystery of Irma Vep – Bag&Baggage Productions, Hillsboro, OR
Educating Rita – Bag&Baggage Productions, Hillsboro, OR
Commission! Commission! (directed original short works below) - Life Farts by Kristin Newbom - Tribute to Debbie (original song) by William S Gregory & Rick Lewis - Muriel's Murder Mystery by Liz Duffy Adams. Portland Center Stage - Portland, OR
The Importance of Being Earnest – New Blue Parrot Theatre, Washougal, WA
Jacob Marley's Christmas Carol – Longview Stageworks, Longview, WA
And the World Goes Round – Broadway Rose Theatre Co, Tigard, OR
Greater Tuna – Ferndale Repertory Theatre - Ferndale, CA
Social Security – Ferndale Repertory Theatre - Ferndale, CA
The Emperor's Nightingale – Ferndale Repertory Theatre - Ferndale, CA
Approaching Zanzibar – Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA (MFA Thesis project)
Return to the Forbidden Planet (musical) – Ferndale Repertory Theatre - Ferndale, CA
Lion in the Streets - Humboldt State University, Arcata CA
House of Blue Leaves – North Coast Repertory Theatre, Eureka, CA
Festival of Light (orig. script by Caitlin Williams) - Humboldt State University, Arcata CA
A Christmas Carol (Michael Paller Adaptation) – Ferndale Repertory Theatre, Ferndale, CA
Murder Among Friends – Garbeau's Dinner Theatre, Sacramento, CA
Snow Angels (original script by Caitlin Williams) - Humboldt State University, Arcata CA
The Unexpected Guest – Ferndale Repertory Theatre - Ferndale, CA
Foreplay or The Art of the Fugue - Humboldt State University, Arcata CA
Angry Housewives - Bellingham Theatre Guild, Bellingham WA
Nunsense - Queen Juliana Theatre, Lynden, WA
TheatreFest '93 - 10th Year Musical Review - Grovemont Theatre (Pacific Rep Thr), Pacific Grove, CA
Closer Than Ever - Grovemont Theatre (Pacific Rep Thr), Pacific Grove, CA
Raoul – Carmel Festival of Firsts, Carmel, CA
As Is - PS Unlimited Productions, Monterey, CA (self produced)
Romance/Romance – Monterey Peninsula College, Monterey, CA
Vampire Lesbians of Sodom / Sleeping Beauty or Coma - PS Unlimited Productions, Monterey, CA (self produced)
A Curious Savage - Lakewood Playhouse, Lakewood, WA
Rehearsal for Murder - Lakewood Playhouse, Lakewood, WA
Shakespeare Alive - Shakespeare Northwest sponsored touring company - traveled to schools and libraries presenting scenes with context
Commercial & Voice Over
"Inferno" - Two Original musical concept albums - Eureka CA - Singing Voice of Brunetto Latini & Dante, others
TCI Cable TV Advertising, Bellingham/Mt. Vernon WA - "Business Man/Poker Player"
Stanello's Pizza TCI Cable TV Advertising, Bellingham, WA - "Sleazy Sales-man"
Skagit Ford Subaru KGMI Radio - Bellingham WA -
'93 Testimonial voice - Rice Insurance Dream Lab Co. of Ron Feiger - Bellingham WA -
'93 - Voice for "Dream Induction Technique" Self help Cassettes/Self Hypnosis Environmental Resource Services of Whatcom County - Bellingham WA -
'93 Voice of Cartoon Character "Tinny Can"
Acting Experience
Five - The Virtual Complaint Department and Lemonade - Bellingham Theatre Guild, WA (recorded via video conference and released online for a limited time)
(Podcast) - Sandy Tyrell - Hay Fever (recorded via online conference as 3 radio show broadcasts)
Martha Gillette - Something's Afoot, or Holmes for the Holidays - Bag&Baggage Productions, Hillsboro, OR - Dec 2018
Phoebe Reece - The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townwomens Guild Dramatic Society's Production of Murder at Checkmate Manor - Bag&Baggage Productions, Hillsboro, OR - Oct 2017
(TV) Teacher (Background) - Everything Sucks! - Netflix TV series
Locusts Have No King (new play reading) - Jonathan - May 2017
(FILM) - Man Roi - Spellbound - Aaron Johnson Director/Producer - May 2017
Sipos - Parfumerie - Bag&Baggage Productions, Hillsboro, OR - Dec 2016
Phoebe Reece – The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Society's Production of A Christmas Carol - Bag&Baggage Productions, Hillsboro, OR
(FILM) – Spike – Bearcity2: The Proposal – Sharp Right Productions, NYC
Lady Bracknell – The Importance of Being Earnest - Bag&Baggage Productions, Hillsboro, OR
Thurston/Etc – Greater Tuna - Ferndale Repertory Theatre - Ferndale, CA
Baker – Into the Woods – Humboldt State University – Arcata, CA
Lloyd Dallas – Noises Off – Bellingham Theatre Guild, Bellingham, WA
Larry Jane/Edgar/Etc – The Mystery of Irma Vep - Port Polson Players Summerstock, Polson, MT
Thurston/Etc – Greater Tuna - Old Prison Players Summerstock, Deer Lodge, MT
Larry - Burn This – Berkana Productions - Bellingham, WA
Marquess Acaste – The Misanthrope - Bellingham Theatre Guild, Bellingham, WA
Moonface Martin – Anything Goes – Western WA University Summerstock, Bellingham, WA
Ira Gershwin – Fascinatin’ Gershwin – Monterey, CA
Tenor - Closer Than Ever – Grovemont Theatre, Pacific Grove, CA
Jeffrey - The Rise & Rise of Daniel Rocket – Monterey Peninsula College - Monterey, CA
Wolf – Into the Woods - Monterey Peninsula College - Monterey, CA
Man 1 (Principle Dance Ensemble) – Evita - Monterey Peninsula College - Monterey, CA
Perchik – Fiddler on the Roof – Carmel Outdoor Forest Theatre, Carmel, CA
Gregory – A Chorus Line - Pierce College, Steilacoom, WA
Dickenson – 1776 - Freighthouse Theatre, Tacoma, WA
Chet/(Ensemble) – As Is – Lakewood Players, Lakewood, WA
Lysander – A Midsummer Nights Dream - Chinook Center, Ft. Lewis, WA
Peninsula Harmony Company - performance quartet – (tenor), Monterey, CA 1993
Ranger Training: Role Player/ Scenario Actor - Mott Training Center, Pacific Grove, CA
Honors and Awards
Best Actor of the decade, Best Director of Play of the Decade 2020 - - Portland OR Theatre: Full results here
Best Actor 2017 - - Portland OR Theatre: Full results here
Best Directors - among the list of best directors of the season for Beti's Best list - Times Standard, Eureka CA
Meritorious Award of Achievement, American College Theatre Festival (ACTF) Direction - Approaching Zanzibar
Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges
Albert and Mildred Van Duzer Scholarship - Humboldt State University Theatre Dept.
John and Ethelyn Pauley Scholarship - Humboldt State University Theatre Department
Scholarship - Western Washington University Theatre Department
Tuition Waiver - Western Washington University
Phi Kappa Phi - Invitational Membership based on Magna Cum Laude Graduation
Monterey County Theatre Alliance Recognitions: Outstanding Original Adaptation, Ensemble Production TheatreFest Musical Review
Outstanding Director, Outstanding Ensemble Production - As Is
Outstanding Director - Romance/Romance
Outstanding Ensemble Production - Closer Than Ever
Patron of the Arts Award - Sehome HS (guest instructor)
Professional Organizations
Professional Organizations
Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers - SSCD (Associate Member)
Theatre Communications Group - TCG
Portland Area Theatre Alliance - PATA
Theatre Bay Area
Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) (previously)
International Freelance Photographers Organization (previously)
Campus Organizations
Student Representative, Member - College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Student Representative - Campus Wide Graduate Council - Humboldt State University
Student Representative - HSU Theatre Arts Dept.
Strategic Planning Committee Student Representative - HSU Theatre Arts Dept.
Publicity Committee Student Representative - HSU Theatre Arts Dept.
Curriculum Committee Treasurer, Secretary, Publisher of 'Ghostlight' Newsletter
Chair - TAGS Humboldt State University
Related Training
Voice training in jazz, classical and musical theatre styles
Various classes in dance: jazz, musical theatre, tap
Seminar in Meisner Technique Acting
Community and/or Volunteer Activities
Board member, Ocean Shores Woof-a-thon, Ocean Shores, WA
Former Board member, Audience Development Chair, Bag&Baggage Productions
Quartet and Group Singing, (Monterey, Carmel, Eureka/Arcata CA, Bellingham WA) singing in community: nursing homes, community organizations, Rotary, Kiwanis, etc.
Board of Directors, Publicity Coordinator, Resident Photographer - Bellingham Theatre Guild
Environmental Resource Services of Whatcom County donated voice-over time and skills for recording of video used to educate elementary children on benefits of recycling.
Peninsula Harmony Company singing in the community: nursing homes, churches, community caroling, etc
Co-Founder, Shakespeare Northwest (Tacoma WA)
Board of Directors, Publicity Coordinator, Resident Photographer- Lakewood Players (WA)
Technical Experience
Jacob Marley's Christmas Carol – Set Design – Longview Stageworks, Longview, WA
Clogged Chakras and Broken Hearts - Stage Manager - Humboldt State University
Siblings - Stage Manager – Grovemont Theatre, Pacific Grove, CA
Benefit and Artist Recognition Banquet - Stage Manager - Grovemont Theatre, Pacific Grove, CA
Tomfoolery - Stage Manager – Grovemont Theatre, Pacific Grove, CA
The Sound of Music – Deck / crew manager – Western WA University, Bellingham, WA
Angry Housewives – Choreography – Bellingham Theatre Guild, Bellingham, WA
Nunsense – Choreography – Queen Juliana Theatre, Lynden, WA
Alice in Wonderland – Choreography – Bellingham Theatre Guild, Bellingham, WA
Closer Than Ever – Choreography – Grovemont Theatre, Pacific Grove, CA
Theatrefest '93 - Musical Review
Curious Savage – Set and Lighting Design – Lakewood Playhouse, Lakewood, WA
Leira Satlof – Producing Artistic Director, Ferndale Rep Thr - – [email protected], 707-476-3057
Scott Palmer – Former Artistic Director, Bag&Baggage Productions – – 503-516-4840
Yolanda Suarez - Former Artistic Director, Longview Stageworks 503-929-2348, [email protected]
Artemis Ledesma - Former School Teacher, Actress 831-521-0622, [email protected]
Teri Grimes - Former Drama Teacher, Actress, Director, 360-734-6999, 360-303-3610, [email protected], [email protected]
Bernadette Cheyne - Theatre Professor Humboldt State University - Theatre Arts Department, 707-826-3566 , [email protected]