Patrick Spike, known as just "Spike" to those close to him, holds a BA and MFA degree both in Theatre Directing from Western WA University and Humboldt State University respectively. He has been involved with non-profit theatre for over 25 years worked with small to large theatres as a director, performer, stage manager, coordinating marketing and development, and has served as an active board member and supporter. He has taught classes at various colleges and universities earning the respect of administrators, artists and students alike.
Through the years his knowledge and experience enabled him to advise many performing arts groups as to best practices to boost their sales, maximize their strengths and improve their bottom line. His knowledge of computers and technology has also been leveraged in past positions as Director of IT at Portland Center Stage, and in his many years and various positions with the Arts People software company ( - currently as Marketing Director) where he helps client organizations all over the US and Canada to succeed.
With this work in non-profit performing arts, his interaction with other non-profits expanded out over the years as well, providing consulting services, website and collateral materials design, strategic image and branding work and more.
Patrick has served as a member of various non-profit boards of directors including Ocean Shores Woof-a-thon, Bag&Baggage Productions, Bellingham Theatre Guild, Shakespeare Northwest, and Lakewood Players, in WA. As of June 2017 he joined the board of the Portland Area Theatre Alliance (PATA) where he is actively working to assist with various programs such as fundraising for their Valentine Fund, an emergency fund program for its members.
As a producer and artistic director, he produced highly successful theatre productions in Monterey CA under the company name of PS Unlimited Productions. He also co-produced a hit production of Greater Tuna at Ferndale Repertory Theatre in northern CA in which he also performed and directed.
Spike is always eager for new creative projects, and to assist non-profit arts groups to improve on their successes. Feel free to contact him with any questions or opportunities.
He lives in Scappoose, OR, outside Portland, with his husband Fernando and their three dogs.
(updated 9/15/17)
Through the years his knowledge and experience enabled him to advise many performing arts groups as to best practices to boost their sales, maximize their strengths and improve their bottom line. His knowledge of computers and technology has also been leveraged in past positions as Director of IT at Portland Center Stage, and in his many years and various positions with the Arts People software company ( - currently as Marketing Director) where he helps client organizations all over the US and Canada to succeed.
With this work in non-profit performing arts, his interaction with other non-profits expanded out over the years as well, providing consulting services, website and collateral materials design, strategic image and branding work and more.
Patrick has served as a member of various non-profit boards of directors including Ocean Shores Woof-a-thon, Bag&Baggage Productions, Bellingham Theatre Guild, Shakespeare Northwest, and Lakewood Players, in WA. As of June 2017 he joined the board of the Portland Area Theatre Alliance (PATA) where he is actively working to assist with various programs such as fundraising for their Valentine Fund, an emergency fund program for its members.
As a producer and artistic director, he produced highly successful theatre productions in Monterey CA under the company name of PS Unlimited Productions. He also co-produced a hit production of Greater Tuna at Ferndale Repertory Theatre in northern CA in which he also performed and directed.
Spike is always eager for new creative projects, and to assist non-profit arts groups to improve on their successes. Feel free to contact him with any questions or opportunities.
He lives in Scappoose, OR, outside Portland, with his husband Fernando and their three dogs.
(updated 9/15/17)